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Your Personalized Demo Will Last Around 60 Minutes, And You Will:

Wondering What Results You Could Achieve In The Next 12 Months With PhysioFunnels And The Ultimate Workshop Machine? Hear From Some Of Our Top PhysioFunnels Users…
“With PhysioFunnels, we’re getting 8-10 new patients every day, and workshops are consistently adding around £5K per month in additional revenue”
Xavier Rajarathnam, Xcel Health
“I’ve never done any marketing before, but PhysioFunnels makes it so easy, or does it all for me . It’s taken a huge worry off my mind.”
Rachael Dickinson, Hands On Physiotherapy
“Don’t waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel.PhysioFunnels has already got everything you need, and makes marketing so easy”
Raj Ghandi, Relive Physiotherapy
“We made 5K from our first workshop using PhysioFunnels, and ran 3 others that had very similar success for us resulting in an extra 20K revenue into the business.
Jordan Sahota, Active Motion Injury Clinic
“The PhysioFunnels team are fantastic, and literally everything was done for us. I definitely would recommend them to any clinic owners looking to grow their business
Nash Danga, T4 Physio

And What Do Practice Owners Using The Ultimate Workshop Machine Say About It?

From Wasted Marketing Dollars And Empty Rooms… To Sold-Out, Profitable WorkshopsHere’s Just Some Of The Results Other PT’s Are Getting  With Our ‘Machine’ They Like To Call Their “Unfair Advantage”…

“With the Ultimate Workshop Machine, we made over £10,000 at our recent event, and those patients will spend even more over their lifetime with us.”
Xavier Rajarathnam, Xcel Health
Within 20 minutes, we had 26 people sign up, and ended up with 40 people registered. From this workshop, we made £5,000, and have run 3 others with similar success rates.”
Jordan Sahota, Active Motion Injury Clinic
Literally everything was done for us, and we made 4K revenue from a 90 minute workshop. Don’t waste your time trying to do it yourself… just use the Ultimate Workshop Machine!
Nash Danga, T4 Physio
One of my biggest fears was that people wouldn’t show up. But we hit max capacity within the first couple of days, and we’ve hit capacity again for our wait list. Booking have gone fantastically well.”
Rachael Dickinson, Hands On Physiotherapy
Xavier Rajarathnam, of Xcel Health, in Kent, made £10,200 in 90 minutes




Jordan Sahota, of Action Motion Injury Clinic, in Eastleigh, made £20,000 in 4×90 minutes




Nash Danga, of T4 Physio, in Bolton, made £4,000 in 90 minutes




Natalie Kyle, of NK Physiotherapy, in Glasgow made £4,800 in 90 minutes




Ready to fire up the Ultimate Workshop Machine in your private practice, and generate PREDICTABLE REVENUE with in-clinic, small group workshops that the machine FILLS FOR YOU? Simply click the button below and enter your details.