
Struggling to get a handle on marketing? Wondering when marketing will finally get easier? Fed up of losing money on your marketing and chasing hard to reach leads?

Enter PhysioFunnels.

‘Marketing Made Easy for Private Practice Owners’

Get More Qualified Leads and Patients, As Well As A High Impact, High Converting Website, With Automated Marketing And Sales Software That Does The Work For You.

Zero marketing skills needed
Works for every type of private practice (PT, Physio, Sports, Massage, OT)
Tech expertise NOT required

“Quickly Implement, Track and Organize HIGH ROI Marketing Campaigns”

Why PhysioFunnels?

It’s simple. We created PhysioFunnels in response to the frustration so many owners feel towards their marketing. There’s no getting away from it, most private practice owners do not like marketing and most find it difficult to give it the time and effort it needs. Then, there’s always the worry over whether or not marketing is even working, if it’s effective, and if the front desk team are even calling the new leads that come in.

We created it to give you more TRANSPARENCY about your marketing, to boost the ROI from your marketing, as well as give you the ability to take a “NO BS” approach to the staff who insist they’ve “called leads”, when they blatantly haven’t.

What Makes It So Different?

PhysioFunnels allows you to see exactly what leads came in and when, how many, and where from (Google or Facebook, etc), as well as how much money each new lead is worth. As well as that, you can even see if anyone on your team has actually called them. You get your own APP, a brand new, high impact website, it’s got a membership site and ecommerce facility waiting to make you money online from your courses, you can communicate with all your patients in one place, as well as have back pain workshop and other follow up funnels built out for you.

More, when you open up your own personalized APP, from your phone, the first thing you will see is how many new and total leads you’ve got waiting to spend money with you, as well as how much money is sitting there waiting to be collected from each one.


(We’ll send this to your home or office in the next 24 hours)

Who Is PhysioFunnels For?

PhysioFunnels is for you if you are:
A PT, physio, sports physio, massage or other medical practice owner trying to scale your practice and know that MARKETING is the key…
Spending money on marketing, but frustrated with your marketing ROI
Sick of hearing staff say they called leads (when you know they didn’t!)
Frustrated with never knowing where all your leads are or how you even got them?
Using just 10% of something like KEAP or Active Campaign and wish that you had something designed specifically for you and your practice
Already paying for things like a website, a CRM (KEAP), Live Chat, SEO, a membership site and chat bots on your social media, and want to save money by combining all of those things into one payment
You’re tired of complicated, outdated, clunky software that doesn’t do what you want it to do!
And, finally ready to get your STAFF to take marketing, new leads and follow up seriously at the same time as NOT having to fight with them about making call backs and chasing leads…
If you can say YES to any or all of those things, then PhysioFunnels is FOR YOU.

"Im Not Good with tech... BUT, with PhysioFunnels it doesn't matter..."

“I was asked to rate my PhysioFunnels experience and I gave it a 10. It’s been hands down the best customer service experience I’ve ever had and everything exceeded expectations.”

“The software is so easy to use and I can feel already the difference it is making to my business. Everything is so easy and simple. Still, the best thing I can say is about the staff involved. Drew, Lester and Amy were amazing and supported me through it all.”

Nicole Laird, Hays County PT & Wellness, Texas

“The Fortune Is In The Follow Up!”

Every minute that goes by you LESSEN the chances that a lead will become a patient. That’s why it’s vital to have a great FOLLOW UP system in place. PhysioFunnels is that AUTOMATED system you’re currently missing.

Without A Funnel

  • no new clients
  • wasted ad spend
  • poverty
  • unhappy staff reluctant to sell

With A Funnel

  • lots of happy clients
  • high ROI on marketing
  • High revenue / profit
  • happy staff not needing to sell

PhysioFunnels brings people from your website, online marketing and social media and puts them inside your practice ready to start treatment.

‘Back Pain and Sciatica’ Workshop Funnels As Standard

Tired of paying $3000 per month for your back pain and sciatica workshop funnels? I bet you ARE! Good news, these come as STANDARD.

PhysioFunnels is…

The Key To Increasing Your Marketing ROI

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. The biggest difference to your marketing happens when you get clear on what IS happening (and what isn’t) and this is where PhysioFunnels sits in a league of its own.

It has the most TRANSPARENT dashboard you’ve ever seen allowing you to track every lead, every call, every dollar spent, and know exactly where all of your leads are coming from as well as help you prioritize who you should call next. That’s why we say “Marketing made easy”.

With PhysioFunnels you can:

Get real time updates on the success of your marketing!
Get real time updates on how successful your STAFF are at contacting leads…
Get real time reporting of individual marketing campaigns
See which leads are HOT and which, well, are NOT

PhysioFunnels is…

Your Website

Let’s face it, most websites are DREADFUL. They’re mostly designed by “designers” (the clue is in the name) and they do very little except cost a LOT of money. We will build you a new, high impact, high response website that will be the ATTRACTION magnet at the centre of all your online marketing.

If you’re one of the exceptions, and you are happy with your current website, we can build you a new EXPERT / AUTHORITY site to give you the ultimate advantage and set you apart and position you above all your competition.

With PhysioFunnels you can:

Get a HIGH PERORMING, high impact website for your clinic
Be positioned as an EXPERT with a brand new, authority website
Connect automated funnels to your new website and finally have a website that you are happy to be paying for…

PhysioFunnels is…

Your CRM

What is a CRM? It is something most practice owners are missing and that is why their marketing SUCKS. A CRM (customer relationship manager) is critical if you want REAL and SUSTAINED business growth.

With PhysioFunnels as your CRM you can:

Communicate with patients and past patients in real time
Trigger emails, SMS and other communication with patients based upon their behavior, wants and needs…
Find out what your patients REALLY want (stop guessing) based upon emails they open or actions they take


PhysioFunnels is…

Your Communication Control Centre

With PhysioFunnels you can communicate with all your new leads, prospects and patients in one place. Whether they get in touch on social media, or you are sending an SMS text message or email, through LIVE CHAT on your website, it can all be done from your APP or inside the desktop version of PhysioFunnels.

With PhysioFunnels you can:

Communicate with patients across all your platforms from one place
Implement 24/7, 365 chats with your leads and patients
Use the activity tracker as a way to manage your staff to better, higher, more stella performance
Get Google reviews automated for you and have one less thing that your staff need to worry about doing (that they always forget!)

PhysioFunnels is…

Your Automated Follow Up / Nurture System

The most important part of marketing is the follow up. The “fortune is in the follow up” for a reason. PhysioFunnels provides all of your automated follow up sequences to move your new leads and patients through a sequence of messages and offers that could go on for months or even years. The longer the better.

With automated funnels you can:

Set and forget your follow up marketing boosting conversions and buy-in (vital in a cash pay clinic or high end concierge type service)
Increase EFFICIENCY in your team
Increase ROI of your ONLINE marketing
Run workshops at your clinic and double, triple, possibly quadruple attendance…

PhysioFunnels is…

Your Membership Site

Every practice owner is looking to boost their income by selling their expertise ONLINE. The best way to make that happen is with a membership site. It’s where you put all of your videos, trainings and classes and people pay you to access.

With a membership site you can:

Finally grow an ADDITIONAL income stream at your private practice with a membership course or monthly subscription program
Upload training videos and content in minutes without spending money on outside video software or storage
Release new videos to patients as part of “Exclusive” memberships
Store staff training videos making it easier to onboard new staff
Create easy upsells to current and past patients as well as simple lead generation offers for new patients
Take payments online and set up monthly subscriptions (via ecommerce)

PhysioFunnels is…

Your Email / SMS Marketing

Email (and SMS) marketing to follow up with patients and leads is STILL one of the most impactful things you can do. When it comes to increasing ROI of marketing, these two things are VITAL.

With PhysioFunnels Email marketing, you can…

Easily create and send email broadcasts, promotions, newsletters, or offers to your patients
Build out and split test email automations based upon what your patients do
Get your email DELIVERED (and read) so your offers are taken and bought more often

"We never felt like we knew Infusionsoft / KEAP or ever got to grips with it"

“We love PhysioFunnels. It’s so easy to use. I manage the front desk and operational side of Todd’s clinic, and this has made life so much easier. We never felt that we knew what we were doing with Infusionsoft, but this we do.”

“We love how easy the sopcial media posting is and I can see how many calls the team have made each day but best of all, we feel like we finally know where our leads are and who to call. The difference that has made to staff morale is amazing.”

Tracey Lombardy, Houghton Physical Therapy, Boston, MA

PhysioFunnels helps you “Quickly Implement, Track and Organize HIGH ROI Marketing Campaigns”

Founded By Paul Gough…

PhysioFunnels is founded by Paul Gough, a former professional soccer physical therapist and award winning business owner who shot to fame after winning the prestigious Infusionsoft Best In Class Award for Lead Nurture and Follow Up Systems. Paul built out a series of lead nurture funnels that he used to grow his own clinic, The Paul Gough Physio Rooms, a successful, 4 Location private practice in a country where health care is FREE (the UK) and was recognized ahead of 45,000 other uses of Infusionsoft / KEAP to win this prestigious award. Since then, his funnels have literally been successfully used by 1000+ physio’s around the world to grow their practice.

Paul is also a 5 x best-selling Author on the subject of Physical Therapy Private Practice growth and his new book “Extraordinary Achievement” has inspired many practice owners to get to the NEXT LEVEL of success in both business and life (Available on Amazon).

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, simply request a 60 minute demo and we’ll give you a personal test drive and tell you how much it costs based upon the size and needs of your clinic

It all depends on the size of your clinic, the likely usage and how many users you want to have access to it (tip: It’s probably not as expensive as you think, and it’s definitely going to be LESS than $1000 per month!)

Nothing like it! Sure, it’s a “CRM”, but those things aren’t made with YOUR type of clinic in mind and nor do they offer ongoing support or updates to funnels and features relevant to your practice.

Sign up for PhysioFunnels then give them 60 days notice of cancelling. We will do the transfer of all your current contact/leads for you.
As long as you’re paying for it! We ask for a 12-month commitment, after that, cancel with 30 days notice.
You will likely have your own clinic URL (i.e, we will house your new website on that URL for you. If you want an authority site, we will buy and continue to own the “authority” site URL and we do that to protect the integrity of the program and service.
We aim for 60-90 days to have a website ready and you can start using PhysioFunnels within 2-3 weeks.

Yes! You get 3 sessions with our PhysioFunnels Wizard (you also get ongoing training with a member of Team PG in a group session)

"I save TIME and MONEY with PhysioFunnels"

“I was able to cancel about 10 different subscriptions. I loved Infusionsoft but I wasn’t using it as much as I would have liked. I had to buy other things to make it all work together.”

“With PhysioFunnels, it’s not just the money I save, it’s the TIME we save that my team were losing. I can’t believe how easy it is to use and to now have everything in the same place is a huge time save.”

David Friedland, Osteopathic Healing Hands, Houston, TX