The Latest Posts From Paul Gough
Is your social media person USELESS and costing you a fortune?
Is your social media person USELESS and costing you a fortune? If there were two people I think I’d like to “toss under a bus” in the PT profession right now (figuratively – not literally)… …it would probably be: 99% of webmasters And, 99% of social media implementors / content
“My Social Media Is Awful”
“My social media is REALLY AWFUL” After my recent post about social media, when I asked readers to reply with a one-sentence summary of your social media, I got the following top three responses: === -“My social media is REALLY awful” -“My social media is NON-EXISTENT” -“My social media is
“Daddy, why isn’t your clinic on social media like everyone else?”
“Daddy, why isn’t your clinic on social media like everyone else?” Just last week I spoke with a physio clinic owner in New Jersey who told me the following: “Paul, I knew I had to do something when my 13 year old daughter asked why I wasn’t on social media.